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ZACHARY TAYLOR (1784-1850)

Taylor made his name as a career military man. He distinguished himself in battle during the War of 1812. Later, he made himself another reputation killing Natives fighting in the Black Hawk and Seminole Wars. As general, Zachary was responsible for instigating a fight between US Army forces and Mexican soldiers after a border dispute in Texas. This began the Mexican-American War which was eventually won by the US giving the country the South West territory as part of the idea of Manifest Destiny. His tactics during this war earned him the Medal of Honor, pictured here in 1847, and gave him enough popularity that he later became the 12th President of the US.


What does it say about Americans of the mid-1800s that they elected a president that was a war hero? What was important for the country at this time?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all Taylor is real messed up..but this is tellin me that Americans did not wat pplz did in order 2 get land as long as they got it...that person seemed good for them...I kind of understand wat he did tho cuz the part that they had waz gettin over crowded but damn...well he did wat he had 2 do and got da recognition for it as a good in other people book...he waz a hero a man that helped them out