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JOHN BROWN (1800-1859)

The road to the Civil War was long and began to divide the nation between Americans from the North and South. A series of compromising laws did little to abate the tensions between the regions. As a minister and abolitionist, Brown believed in an aggressive ends to slavery. After the Kansas-Nebraska Act he went into Kansas to ensure that abolitionists had proper representation in the territory. This is what he looked like in 1856 around the time he murdered 5 white people that were pro-slavery in what began the summer of “Bleeding Kansas.” He would later go on to raid the armory in Harpers Ferry, Virginia hoping to capture weapons to begin a national slave revolt. He was captured and hanged by the US government in order to set an example.


Did you know that John Wilkes Boothe, the guy who killed Abe Lincoln, was at the execution of John Brown? Why did his murder get both Northerners and Southerns angry enough to start thinking about Civil War?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John Brown is the man!!! I like what he did killing the 5 white people because they deserved it for being racist,because we should love each other who cares if you are green and I am yellow? well 2 be honest I will,because i have never seen such thing in my life but u get what I am trying to say here, we should not be killing each other, but I guess people with power back then didn't like to understand the first warnings.