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When the Dutch began the colony of New Amsterdam it was made for the purpose of creating a profit. Soon, the colony was in chaos. Peter came in and began to set a strict order despite the fact that he had an actual peg-leg after losing his leg in a naval battle. He banned drinking on Sundays, knife-fighting in public, and sexual relations with Native Americans. His system of rules worked. By the time this portrait was created in 1660 New Amsterdam was an attractive, bustling, and profitable colony. The English took notice and gained control of the colony renaming in New York in 1664. Peter retired to his bouwerie (Dutch for farm) in Greenwich Village soon after.

Many of the Dutch influences can still be sees/heard today in New York City. What streets or locations have to do with Stuyvesant or New Amsterdam?


Anonymous said...

Ok this was really interesting. Did a little reading Bowery street was known as Bowery Lane the road leading to Stuyvesant's farm BOUWERIE!!! In that case, Bowery the neighborhood in manhattan by Canal Street and Chinatown. Also The J and M train takes ya to Bowery. =]

Anonymous said...

there is a popular school named after Peter stuyvesant.Also i think in the picture and in real life he was madd ugly.