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By using the Underground Railroad, William was able to escape slavery and flee to Massachusetts. It was there that he volunteered for the 54th Regiment under the command of Robert Shaw. He fought in the Battle of Fort Wagner where almost half the group suffered casualties. During the battle William picked up the regimental flag and saved it from being captured all the while under attack from Confederate forces. For this act of bravery he was awarded the Medal of Honor – the first Black person to ever receive the award.

William and the rest of the men of the 54th were runaway slaves or, at the least, poor Blacks. Why was it so important for William to risk his life for an army that wouldn't even let him fight alongside white soldiers? Why was he proud to represent the US army?


Anonymous said...

The reason was because the war started to give them rights, either they win or not they were still killing and risking their own lifes for what they believed in. William was very proud because even at bad manners he was fightin for his main belief, FREEDOM. He gave it his all just like his other men. He truly deserved a awad for being brave and not giving up upon his dreams being crushed by Rich white Men.

Anonymous said...

William Harvey was very brave by picking up the flag he didn't care if they (army) wouldn't let him fight alongside white soldiers all he was thinking about was freedom for slaves he deserved the medal of honor. If it was me I make believed I am dead and hide or do what Michael Jackson did... turn myself white baby!!!

Anonymous said...

Hurray Willy ran away. He shows major bravery and tolerance fighting in the war. I just don't see why he gets a trophy after being dead. what's the purpose. the trophy doesn't bring him back.