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WILLIAM H. BONNEY (1859-1881)

The perfect example of the western outlaw, “Billy the Kid” was an adventurous teenager in the Southwest Territories in New Mexico. After losing his mother to tuberculosis at 13, Billy got into trouble with his gang looking for food and a way to make a living. Billy was a “gunhand” and was known to have murdered 21 men through his skill with his pistol and rifle. He despised rich men and their oppression of poor farmers and other working-class people. Because of this attitude he has been labeled as a hero that embodied the ideas of the Populist movement. He was fluent in Spanish and loved the culture and food of Mexico. While visiting his Mexican girlfriend The Kid was gunned down by Sheriff Pat Garret. His last words were ¿Quien Es? meaning "Who's There?" as he was shot in the dark.

Why would a teen aged outlaw like Billy be turned into a hero by the Populist movement? What does the idea of a "Robin Hood" have to do with Populism and their goals for farmers and other poor workers?


Anonymous said...

Billy The kid is really cool he was a unic person.It was very common that he hated rich white and interesting that he had no problem with blacks. I don't blame billy for his action in fact I admire him, I also understand perfectly why as a teenager he choose to be so adventurous and such an outlaw, I can image the frustratinon he was going through to try to survive. He must have been a great hero.

Anonymous said...

The reason I fell that Billy the Kid was a populist hero for he felt that both the rich and the poor should be on equal terms and not just the rich being the ones on top, which is a philosophy that almost anyone would agree with. Also it's nice that Billy was a fan of Mexican people along with their food and unlike me, he can actually speak more than just english

Blade, 5th period

Anonymous said...

I think that Billy waz "gangsta" or in other words he had guts...i mean wat he did waz creul but he did have 2 make a livin at the age of is natural 4 him 2 hate rich pplz like ana said cuz he waz poor and the rich got everything while he got knownin wat else 2 do he waz only trying 2 make ends meet/make a he used his skills

Anonymous said...

Billy rocks. he is a national hero. He's not really white you know cause he's my brother from another mother. I'm am glad that my brothjer had the brains to figure out that all poor people of all races faced the same problem and the same oppressor. Other white folks just refused to face reality. I feel that id more poor whites had realized this America would be different today. we would not be divided. ROCK on BILLY BOB.