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Credited as author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was a wealthy Southerner that believed in the economic opportunity of the United States. He believed that government should be for a wealthy, educated upper-class to control the uneducated lower-class. He was even a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses (the law making group) that traced its origins back to Jamestown. Tommy made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 which doubled the size of the nation overnight. This event was a precursor for the idea of “Manifest Destiny.” During this time Jefferson had an open sexual relationship with Sally Hemings, one of his slaves, much to the chagrin of his wife. This portrait was taken in 1800 while he was serving as the 3rd President of the US.

The Declaration of Independence is highly praised for its message of equality and democracy. What message does it send that Jefferson was a slave owner and did not do any actual fighting in the Revolutionary War?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it is my belief that it was a good thing that Thomas Jefferson, notwithstanding the fact that he was a southerner, whether out of convenience or because he truly believed in the ideas of freedom, saw it to be a good cause would be served by taking part in the experiment of founding a new nation.