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"Sitting Bull" was considered a holy man by the Lakota Nation but this chief was a major obstacle to Manifest Destiny and Indian Removal. As pioneers and settlers began to move West they treaded upon traditional hunting grounds of the Lakota people. Soon, the US Army began to exercise violent raids into Lakota territory. He was the first Native to win a major battle against the US Army at the Battle of Little Bighorn against General George Custer. This victory, however, was short lived and Tatanka was forced to relocated to the Standing Rock reservation (South Dakota) by the time this picture was taken in 1881. When the Dawes Act was passed (1887) Natives were again promised land in the form of reservations and farms but Tatanka knew better. In a public speech welcoming the President to the West, Tatanka said in his native Lakota language, "I hate all white people. You are thieves and liars. You have taken away our land and made us outcasts." Ironically he was later killed by Lakotas in the Indian Police on his reservation while defending the right to put on the “Ghost Dance” which had been outlawed by the US government.

After all the treaties and fighting with the White man, in the end, Tatanka was killed by members of his own tribe! Why is this somehow "fitting"? Why does it show about the future of Native Americans in the US and how they are today?


Anonymous said...

on this picture he looks like a mad person but he had the honor to defend his country when i read this passage i learn more things for example that takota was killed by members of his own tribe

Anonymous said...

in this pictuere he looks like a serious person but when i read the article about him he dis alot of bad things and the tatanka was killed by member of his own tribe