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Robert was born into a family of wealthy abolitionists in the greatest town in the United States, the City of Boston. After seeing action in the Battle of Antietam he was promoted to command the first all Black army unit – the 54th Regiment of the US army. Noticing the racist attitudes of the Union army he sympathized with his soldiers and was inspired by them. He was killed in the Battle of Fort Wagner after trying to lead a rally against the Confederate troops. Shaw was buried with his men, which his parents considered to be an honor.

There are MANY wealthy families in the history of the US that did not sacrifice ANY of their members in defense of the country. (Think all the way back to Jamestown and the Revolutionary War). Why is it that Robert and his family were dedicated to the abolition of slavery to the point that he died with his Black soldiers for it?


Anonymous said...

I think roberto shaw was one of the greatest hero or person that was involed in the civil war. the way he stand for his soldiers and gave them hope and faith goes to show that not everyone was the same in that time and period.roberto was one of the frist to stand to the white man. His family who were rich and white
felt that it was not right to treat people in such a matter. Another thing about shaw was that he fought side by side with his soldiers meaning that in his heart he felt they were all equal.

Anonymous said...

Robert Shaw was one of the most unique soldiers from the civil war in my opinion. I think this because if it were for onother man he wouldnt have so much faith and confidence in his soldiers the way robert shaw did. His family also who were abanitiolist thought it was wrong to treat people the way they were being treated and maby be treated the way everyone else wants to be treated. =]