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POCAHONTAS (1595-1617)

Daughter of the chief of the Powhatan tribe, Pocahontas was among the first Native Americans to encounter the “immigrants” from England in what is now Virginia. She was believed to have saved John Smith’s life from a tribal execution. She attempted to lay good relations between the colonists and her people, aiding Jamestown during the “Starving Time” by providing much needed food. She later adopted a European lifestyle, married John Rolfe and visited England where this portrait was commissioned in 1616. She died several months later from smallpox at 22.

Why do you think that Pocahontas is always depicted in her Native clothes and not in European fashion as in this painting? What may have been here feelings about wearing these clothes and being in England?


Anonymous said...

This clothe made her look like a trader. I imagen her feeling that way dress like that, I wonder if she was accepted by the people in england?

Anonymous said...

It must have been dificult for her to leave her homeland. I cannot imagine how she felt when she stepped foot into a whole new world. She had to adapt to a distinctive European lifestyle her clothing changed and even her name. Its intresting that she was used to show the Europeans that natives could be tamed. Her life in Europe was pretty good the English regarded her as a princess.

Rosi said...

I wrote a paper on Poca Sophomore year on college. It was the real story juxtaposed to the Disney release of the movie "Pocahontas" which showed animals singing and depicted the white man as less evil than we all know they truly were. She actually was not even in love with John, she just went along with the flow mostly. Beware of anyone offering a blanket, that's what I learned. If there are no small pox, there is SOMETHING in there.

Anonymous said...

I think that Pocahontas was an example for American woman. She was gifted with compassion, helping her people and foreigners in England. I think she was feeling uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

Po is a traitor and she has helped start alot of problems. Not only did she cause her people suffering in the long run but she cause all future non European americans hardships. She should have let them die. the world would be different today and probably better. I"m aslo upset that not only did she betray her people but she also converted to european liefstlye. WRong, wrong

Anonymous said...

Why do you think that Pocahontas is always depicted in her Native clothes and not in European fashion as in this painting?

-because pocahontas is native american and she wants to represent her culture.She is not from europe so i think in that picture of her she feels uncomfortable and if it was up to her i think she wouldnt wear that.

Anonymous said...


just my curiousity, did she have any kids of her own? cuz it looks like she was pretty young when she died.