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JOHN SMITH (1580-1631)

Among the first English colonists to the New World, John Smith was the only trained soldier with military experience. Initially he arrived to the shores of Virginia in chains for his attempt at inciting a mutiny. He is credited with helping the Jamestown colonists survive through the first winter and establishing relations with the Native Powhatans. In the end, Jamestown grew and began to attack and kill the native settlements after discovering tobacco and a need for farmland. His relationship with Pocahontas is the subject of many historical ideas of romance and adventure.


How do you think that Smith and Pocahontas communicated with each other? Why would she still be with Smith even though she knew that he was in charge of killing people from her tribe?


Anonymous said...

well i think that smith and pocahontas communicated with each other for the simple fact that pocahontas saved mr smiths life from a tribal execution ,and also she had gotten along with many colonists hold on and she provided food for them in bad situations.

Anonymous said...

The reason why Pocahontas was still with Smith even when she knew the truth about him and the killing was because of the nature she grew up in.
Pocahontas didn't learn how to hate,the society she lived in only taught her good things helping her communicate with people like smith.