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JESSE JAMES (1847-1882)

As a teenager in Missouri, Jesse joined the Confederate army under the command of William C. Quantrill. As a member of “Quantrill’s Raiders” Jesse engaged in guerrilla tactics that caused heavy causalities of the Union forces. The first picture is during this time when he was around 16 (1863). The period of time after the Civil War saw the rise of the “outlaw” of the Wild West. Many of these men were unemployed and dissatisfied with daily life.

As a war veteran during Reconstruction, Jesse began his criminal career in order to support his mother and family in a new South overrun by carpetbaggers and scalawags. The second photo is what he looked like at the beginning of his outlaw days. He killed over 17 men and played part in many major bank and train robberies. Jesse considered himself a loyal southerner until his assassination by a member of his own gang.

What effect did the Civil War have on the young people that fought in the war? Even though it officially ended in 1865 why did the war "continue" for many years after in the new period of the "Wild West"?


Anonymous said...

i think that Jesse was too young for what was happening in his life he couldn't find a way out and didn't know how to handle it...sooo he used the only thing he knew after war VIOLENCE and it seemed to work for him until he got betrayed...

Anonymous said...

After the war ended the soldiers had to pay taxes, and they had no money because they hadn't worked for a while since they were at the war. They had no money so they started robbing everyone and Jessey James was one of them. He continued the war because he didn't agree with the North and he said he was never going to be changed by them.

Anonymous said...

The affect the civil war had on people like mr.Jesse Jmaes is that after the South losing the war, may of their soldriers were jobless thus leaving them into a life of robbing so they can survive. Also the reason which many southeners (spelling) felt the war wasn't over for they still and will always hate the North, Peace

Blade, 5th Period

Anonymous said...

just by looking at the picture it shows you that this is a bad kid.because he look mad and his holding his gun like he never go without the west.