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DANIEL SHAYS (1747-1825)

After serving as a soldier in the Continental Army, Daniel Shays returned to his New England farm to find himself in great amount of debt. Like many veterans, the Revolutionary War provided post traumatic stress disorder but no money. When he was unable to pay taxes on his land, the local Massachusetts government attempted to imprison Daniel and other veterans. Soon, under his command, 800 veterans and farmers marched against the local government militia (soldiers). Daniel and his group were overpowered and captured in 1787 when this etching of him was made. After losing “Shays Rebellion” Daniel was condemned to death but later spared. He died poor and unknown in New England.

What message was the government sending by mistreating veterans that were too poor to pay their debts. Why were they not given more aid for sacrificing their lives in the Revolutionary War? Has the treatment of veterans improved since then (Vietnam, Iraq, etc.)?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe that wat the government did waz so messed up and all they care about is there money...and not there soldiers that waz riskinn there lives 4 them.....for the fact that he helped them out and in the long run and they treated the soldiers like crap waz real Grimey...his rebellion waz the right thing 2 do cuz